Confined Space
Confined space entry is considered a high-risk activity by WSBC. Creating the required procedures is specialized work that must be completed by someone deemed qualified (i.e. education, training and experience). Orca Health and Safety’s team can provide a qualified...
Construction Safety Office Services (short term only)
ORCA can provide a short term Construction Safety Officer (CSO) and Occupational First Aid Attendant (Level 3) on a short term basis to assist with a gap in your coverage or for a short term (< 2 weeks) project. Call us to discuss options.
Due Diligence
At times, you may be called upon to provide your case of due diligence. ORCA can help you ahead of time by creating fillable forms (electronic), create a filing system and consult on how best to create a case for due diligence, long before it’s ever needed.
Emergency Response Plans (ERP)
Developing Emergency Response Plans for potential emergencies set your site up for success. Required drills can be completed to a standardized plan that allows for ease of training and consistency.
Soft tissue injuries are a leading cause of compensable claims and lost time incidents. The onset of these injuries can occur within a few hours or over years. Our team consists of qualified ergonomists to assist in eliminating and minimizing soft tissue injuries....
Fall Protection
Falls are a leading cause of lost time incidents. Fall protection is not only critical, but a regulatory requirement when working at heights over 10 ft. Fall hazards need to be properly assessed and the appropriate controls selected based on WorkSafe BC’s hierarchy...
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials are common in workplaces. These can range from industrial coatings and building materials to cleaning products and printer toner. Unfortunately, hazardous materials do not always stay at work. Many are invisible to the human eye and can easily...
Inspections are an important aspect of any safety management system. Whether an inspection is general or specific in nature, we can assist in identifying gaps in the system. We are familiar with all types of work sites including industrial, municipal, office and...
Investigations are necessary to prevent reoccurrence of incidents and promote a positive safety culture. ORCA has trained and experienced investigators that can complete third party investigations for such reasons as: Fatal and serious injuries Bullying and...
OHS Audits
Corporations, safety departments and senior managers often wonder how their OHS program and implementation strategy is performing. Whether being compared to the regulation, a best industry standard or a company’s internal benchmark, this information is invaluable...
OHS Program Development
Your Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) program is the foundation for building your safety management system. It defines roles and responsibilities, communicates standard operating procedures, identifies the requirement for training and provides supporting forms...
Respirator Fit Testing
Our Respirator Fit Test Technician is available to complete your annual respirator fit testing on any type of respirator you or your team are required to wear. Quantitative (Porta count) or qualitative (Bitrex method) fit testing can be completed at your site or at...
Safe Work Procedures
Safe Work Procedures are critical for ensuring standardized processes and training on key work tasks. They ensure workers have reference material and provide a step-by-step breakdown of how to safely conduct a task. Whether for locking out a piece of equipment or...
Safety Mentoring
Companies often rely on their supervisors or promote someone from within to fill a specific safety role to manage the organization’s safety system. This can be a daunting task for those who are not trained or have minimal formal experience in occupational health...
Site Safety Management/Prime Contractor
Site safety management and coordination is a critical component of the safety system on worksites where there are two or more employers onsite. Orca Health and Safety can provide fulltime or part time safety management services to fulfill your prime contractor...
Worker Exposure Assessments
Industrial Hygiene monitoring of chemical, biological (i.e. mold) and physical (i.e. noise) workplace exposure.
WSBC Regulatory Assistance on orders, penalties, and claims (as needed)
Assistance on WorkSafeBC orders, penalties, and claims is just a call away. Give us a call to further discuss. 250-751-4295