H2S Awareness

This course is designed to ensure workers who perform tasks or work in areas with the risk of exposure to H2S understand:

  • Responsibilities regarding H2S exposure control
  • What H2S is and the risk and consequence of exposure
  • H2S exposure limits & regulatory requirements
  • How to identify and assess the risk of exposure
  • Control methods to reduce risk
  • How to decontaminate following an exposure incident
  • Reporting requirements

Note: No safe work procedures are covered during this presentation. This is an awareness presentation only.

Duration: 4 Hours
Method of Instruction: Classroom
Max Class Size: 12 Students

Call 250-751-4295 for further detail or questions.

NOTE: All courses can be tailored to include company specific information

Course Outline / Syllabus
  1. What is H2S?
    1. Adverse Health Effects
    2. Exposure Limits
    3. Worker Exposure
  2. Roles & Responsibilities
  3. Hazard Identification and Assessment
  4. Controlling Exposure
    1. Engineering Controls
    2. Administrative Controls
    3. PPE
  5. Decontamination
  6. Records & Reporting