Hazmat Awareness


This course is intended for those who work around hazardous materials. Students will understand the hazards, routes of exposure, where to find the hazardous materials, and how to report suspected materials and exposure.

Duration: 4 Hours
Method of Instruction: Classroom
Max Class Size: 12 Students

Call 250-751-4295 for further detail or questions.

NOTE: All courses can be tailored to include company specific information

Course Outline / Syllabus

Some of the general concepts taught throughout the seminar include:

  • ALARA principle
  • Routes of entry by a substance
  • “Travelling” or “carrying” substances home
  • Universal principles of protection
  • Decontamination
  • Notice of Project (NOP) Requirements
  • Asbestos (ACM):
    1. Responsibilities – Supervisor/ worker/ company
    2. Hazards of asbestos
    3. Characteristics of Asbestos
    4. Typical places to find asbestos (in industry and in the home)
    5. Exposure limit in BC
    6. Difference between Low/ Moderate and High-risk asbestos work
      1. Respirator differences
      2. Enclosure differences
      3. Decontamination differences
    7. How to control exposure to asbestos
  • Silica
    1. Characteristics of silica
    2. Where to find silica
    3. Particle size – does this matter?
    4. Can silica affect your family?
    5. Resources for knowing how much is too much
    6. How do you protect yourself and your crews?
  • Lead
    1. Characteristics of lead and where it is found
    2. Health hazards of lead exposure
    3. Working with lead coatings
    4. Can lead affect your family?
  • Mold
    1. What is mold
    2. Common mold types
    3. The hype around mold
    4. Potential health hazards of mold
    5. Why are there no exposure limits?
    6. Should I sample for mold?
    7. How do I protect myself and others?
    8. Remediation Protocols
  • Biohazards
    1. What’s included with biohazards?
    2. Health hazards associated with biohazards
    3. Universal precautions – More than just for OFA
    4. Where to find items in construction
    5. Prevention of exposure
    6. Emergency procedures
  • PCB’s
    1. What are polychlorinated biphenols?
    2. Health hazards
    3. Where they are found
    4. How to handle and protect yourself
  • Mercury
    1. Health Hazards
    2. Typical places to find them
    3. How to detect and clean up an emergency spill
  • Animal Feces
    1. Health hazards (i.e. Hantavirus)
    2. General precautions of significant contamination


Optional Content (Will add length to the seminar)

  • Exposure Control Plan (ECP) review
  • SWP Review
  • Mockup of PPE, double bagging and poly wrapping
  • Creating “Work Zones”
  • Decontamination
  • Contingency Planning (i.e. spills)

NOTE: All these topics are awareness only within this syllabus. Some can be dropped and others expanded upon request. If one of the eight topics is of more interest to your crew or scope of work, the topic can be customized and expanded to suit your individual needs.